Top Ranking Factors that are Crucial for SEO

Top Ranking Factors that are Crucial for SEO

Successful SEO is not about tricking Google. It’s about PARTNERING with Google to provide the best search results for Google’s users – Phil Frost

Cutting past through all the clutter available on the Internet, and making space for yourself and your business on the first page of the Search Engines, is something what everybody is after these days.

You own a business; you are blogger, a YouTuber, et al, no matter what you do, 2019 is really going to be a promising year particularly as regards the SEO or Search Engine Optimization Strategies that you apply for your business to help draw the maximum attention to your venture.

Year after year, SEO strategies have been modified and skewed to adapt to the latest trends in technology.

Google and many other search engines constantly keep modifying their algorithms in order to suit the various trending customer needs. And thus leads to a change in the ranking factors thereby.

The best place to hide a dead body is to hide it on the second page of Google!

Funny, yet true!

Trust me, it has been a proven fact that almost 98% of the population does not even visit the second page of the search engine, or pages thereafter.

Thus, if you are looking forward to devise a robust SEO strategy for yourself, I must tell you, you are at the right place.

And after much sleuthing for information on the same, we have come up with the top ranking factors, which are extremely crucial for the SEO of your business.

Top Ranking Factors for SEO


1. Understanding your Target Customers

Well, why I rank this one as the first is because this is what Google expects you to offer to its Users – most relevant and useful content!

You can do so by conducting surveys etc. using many tools available these days easily. Understanding your customers will not only let Google know you are the most authentic one, but also drive immense targeted traffic to your website.

Remember – providing the best user experience really matters!

2. Working Upon your Most Liked Pages

Also, not each and every page of your website would do just brilliant, some may some many not.

So, all you have to do is try to grab the attention of your audience by expanding content on your existing most liked and popular pages and create more relevant content including long phrase keywords.

Also, you could try internal linking on the most liked pages to the not so liked pages. This way, you would get more traffic on the not so liked pages as well.

3. Advanced Info-Graphics

You might think, info-graphics have been such a cliché. But trust me, they are still the customer driving factors to your website, albeit, they have to be all the more captivating.

 You can try creating advanced animated info-graphics to improve your ranking this year.

4. Website Design

 A great design is here to grab more eyeballs. A brilliantly designed website, would be a user-friendly, mobile friendly or responsive, and even voice search friendly design.

Try to incorporate the best elements such as templates, plugins, etc. on your website to get all the attention towards the same.

5. Website Speed

This is yet another important factor, which would dramatically increase your ranking on the search engines, keeping your audience hooked to your website for longer, and wanting to spend more time on it. Of course, nobody likes to wait while the page loads.

6. Link Building

If you want to get indexed quickly, there is no other strategy than link building that you should be running after, as it is the indispensable part of your SEO strategy.

Work harder on your backlinks, see what your competitors are up to and also work on your internal linking, to rank better this year.

7. Leveraging on Snippets

Well, this is sure to grab more attention of your visitors, by helping them understand what your website is all about in the shortest possible way on the search engine results page itself.

Yoast plugin by WordPress, is a great tool to help you create richer snippets.

Thus this year, the entire landscape of your SEO strategy would be focused on giving out much better user experience along with better designs and new advancements in technology.

Hope you found this article useful!

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