the perfect landing page landing page tips

The Perfect Landing Page : Tips For Creating an Effective Landing Page

In terms of lead generation, the landing page is super essential elements. Unfortunately, there are several companies out there who do not use this element wisely. It is a common habit, to give more priority to the Homepage of the website instead of the landing page, also why not? The home page makes the first page of the site, and since ‘First Impression is the Last Impression,’ one will naturally try and make the home page look very beautiful. However, equal consideration should be given to a landing page, which is crucial.

Here are some useful tips for leading to a perfect landing page:

Never Try and Use the Homepage as a Landing Page

Home pages contain too much messaging, which generally ends up making the visitors feel very lost. We usually recommend all our customers to avoid using the leading site or the product page. Even if the case is such that your sub-pages or the home pages are brilliant, which keeps the landing page dedicated, which eventually leads to perform at a very better rate of conversion, which leads to focus on the critical task.

Landing Page Must Contain the Following Elements

  • There should be a headline, a sub-headline, which is optional.
  • There should be a brief description of what exactly the company will be offering
  • There should be a minimum of one supporting video or an image.
  • It is optional to have supporting proof elements such as logos of the customers, security badges, testimonials, etc.
  • There should be a form on the landing page to capture the complete information. If, in case of any of the reasons, one misses out on including a form on the landing page, then it is advised to use a button of a large CTA (Call to Action) to give direction to the visitors about the next few steps.

Limit the Additional Navigation or Remove It

The purpose of usage of a landing page is just one, and that is to encourage all the random visitors to a specific action. When visitors end up landing on the page, the main aim of the company is to keep them on the page until they indulge in some work. Leaving the navigation in the middle makes reduce them to waste their time on the website. Hence, it becomes essential to remove the shipping of the leading site from the page, so the customers do not move off the landing page at all.

The Objective Shall Be Straightforward and Clear

Making a clutter and stuffing in information makes the landing page look very ugly. Make the page very clear; it should easily explain what the page is all about and why do you want visitors to visit your page. Limit various things such as copy, media, images, and provide links to only essential elements. Eventually, organize the content in a very systematic manner so that there seems to be a legitimate purpose behind it. Having a proper CTA is essential to make things clear for the visitor.

Make Sure to Match the Content to a Visitor’s Previous Source

A visitor can come from various sources such as a PPC ad, call-to-action, email, etc. One should make sure that the messaging goes on to match the entire conversation. For example, if the PPC says ‘Download the Marketing eBook,’ the landing page should communicate the same thing or something on similar grounds. If there seems to be a disconnect in the messaging part, visitors might feel that they have landed onto some wrong page, and the chances of clicking the ‘Back’ button increases.

Reduce the Amount of Friction

Friction is caused by the missing objects on the page, which stop the visitor from taking any action. This includes exhibiting too much information or animation that makes it very distracting for the customers due to the lack of any proof or security. It is essential to make the customers have confidence in the right choice to help them provide relevant information. This does include the various proof elements such as the testimonials of the customers, the number of downloads, sales, etc. Also, the messaging should surely match the path of conversion.

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